
Little updates on my writing

I haven't found time to write the last two days. It's just been one of those weeks. I am almost done renovating a room in our basement, which will soon be my private office. I haven't had my own space in a few years, so I'm excited to get it done. Regarding when to write, most writers that I've read interview with have said they do their writing each day, first thing in the morning. I've tried that a few times, but it doesn't work for me. For some reason my head just isn't there, and nothing comes to me even if I do have a loose outline in my head. Evenings, after dinner, seem to work best for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit down and do some tonight.

#Writing #ShortStories

511 words, and a little more revision. I know it's not much, but I'm very happy with what I'm getting down on paper, so to speak. A whole side-errand has emerged, and I think it'll be good for the story.

#Writing #ShortStories

Only 470 words tonight, but I did a lot of revision to an important conversation. I feel pretty good about it.

#Writing #ShortStories

I'm just now seeing that Mastodon doesn't show the titles of my posts. That kinda doesn't work so well.

#Writing #ShortStories

Two characters that I intended to be passing side characters, have suddenly become integral to the story. I see lots of possibilities for one of them.

#Writing #ShortStories

Yesterday, and this morning, were rough. I was distracted with the news, and lots of things needing done around the house. I came home after work and got a lot done, then sat down to re-work the combat scene I was stuck on. I'm happy with what I got down, and now excited to get to the next bit of the story.

#Writing #ShortStories

I'm having a difficult time wording this battle scene so it makes sense. I'll probably give it another once over tomorrow.

#Writing #ShortStories

I only had a short time to write, but it was nice to do it first thing in the morning. I'm hoping I can start getting up early enough to make that a regular thing.

#Writing #ShortStories

I went back to the map I drew, added in some things, and figured out what to do. I like where things went here. Went back through and added in a few small changes.

#Writing #ShortStories

Kinda stuck again. Not sure what to do about travel. I don't want to simply skip ahead.

#Writing #ShortStories